rodney king

S&W Episode 941: The Juice is No Longer Loose

OJ Simpson’s passing has sparked a maelstrom of emotions within Kate Rambo – mostly joy. Dee and Kate pay tribute to the notorious celebrity murderer by reviewing the conspiracy theories about who really killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Listeners informs Dee and Kate about the recent death of conjoined twins Lori and George Schappell and Stuart calls in with a story about a family friend who pursued his dream of becoming a porn star. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to hear Second Show, SW archives, and the bonus minisode Serial Killer Star Signs.

S&W Episode 630: Dirty Harrison

Dirty Harrison tries out for the LAPD. John Steele rants about the Youtube Shooter, the Paterno movie, and historical smoking in Fistful of Steele. Phone calls. Sign up for the Sick and Wrong Patreon to access bonus news stories, phone calls, and outtakes.